Ryan Waller

Adjunct Assistant Professor
M.F.A., Yale
Ryan joins Pratt GradComD after returning from a Research fellowship in Switzerland on a Fulbright Award, Ecole cantonale dʼart de Lausanne, & Federal Office of Culture, Bern. He received the Mark Whistler Memorial Prize at Yale; a Design Distinction Award from ID magazine; an ADC Young Guns Award; and was recognized by Print magazine's "20 Under 30" – the 20 best artists and designers under the age of 30, selected each year. Clients have included New York Times, Bloomberg, Virgin Records, Yale School of Art, Hunter- Gatherer—NYC & Co., Mother NY— Condé Nast, Art Directorʼs Club, Nike, MTV, Damiani. Ryan has taught in the Pratt undergraduate design department and held workshops at CalArts, RISD and Yale.
Ryan teaches in both the MFA and MS Communications Design programs.