William Hoffman

As a first year MFA student I am concentrating on redefining my design process while improving my knowledge and understanding of disciplines outside of design. I am also looking to bring my design solutions from the classroom to the public when and wherever possible.
I graduated in 2000 from New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study where I concentrated on music and art. While still at NYU I began designing posters for my bands and decided that graphic design was where it was at – so I taught myself. I worked as a graphic designer at a few different places before going freelance in 2007. Throughout those years I was also a fairly busy professional musician. I traveled to some amazing places, played some incredible gigs, and received some unforgettable experiences – some of which I can share with you.
I still play the occasional music gig and I am trying to maintain a certain degree of freelance work while in school. My beautiful wife, Katie, and I live in Greenpoint and we are expecting our first child in February. Yeah!