Scott Menchin

Adjunct Associate Professor
Studied at Pratt Institute and Arts Students League
As a magazine art director he worked for How Magazine and Seven Days. After many years as an art director Scott started working as an illustrator. As an illustrator he has worked for Intel, Sun Microsytems, Toyota, Time, Newsweek, Esquire, Wired, GQ, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Saveur, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Boston Globe. His work has appeared in American Illustration, Print Magazine, The Society of Illustrators and The Society of Publication Designers. In 1999 his award winning children's book "Man Gave Names To All The Animals" with text by Bob Dylan was published. He has illustrated a series of childrens books (Wiggle, Bounce and Stretch) for best selling author Doreen Cronin. His first authored/illustrated children's book "Taking a Bath With the Dog and Other Things That Make Me Happy" published in 2007 won the Christopher Award and was voted "A Best Book of the Year" by The Bank Street College.
Scott teaches in the MS Communications Design program.