William Hilson

Adjunct Professor, CCE
Bill Hilson, originally trained in architecture, turned to graphic design and illustration for his professional focus. Bill introduced "desktop publishing" to some of the largest ad agencies in NYC, forever transforming the production landscape. As creative director to the HiFi Color Project, Bill helped introduce the new HiFi Color printing techniques to the design and printing community. He was first to design and print using an experimental 7-colorant process, the first to use Pantone´s HexachromeTM in a commercial application, and also the first designer to print using frequency-modulated ("stochastic") screening systems.
Bill is a founding Director of The Institute for Sustainable Communication, a 501(c)-3 organization devoted to promoting sustainability practices for business and industry.
Bill has served as a faculty representative to the Development Committee for Pratt´s Board of Trustees, and has been on the Board of Trustees at the Silvermine Guild Arts Center, and Whitby School in Greenwich Connecticut. He is also a Colleague of the Creative Education Foundation.
Bill teaches in the MS Communications Design program.