The Kerning Point

Weigh in: What do YOU think about GradComD?

By Josh Eriksen on February 20, 2012

Brenda McManus' Special Projects class for the development of the GradComD department book needs fellow students to contribute their thoughts about our program for possible inclusion within the new book.

They would really appreciate your help! Please take a couple minutes to answer the following question:

What do you think prospective students should know about Pratt & our GradComD department?

Write about one particular aspect/experience that has shaped your career and has transformed you into a better thinker/designer/maker/writer. Think about classes, professors, projects, fellow students, environment or the overall program’s philosophy.

Please leave your answers in the comment section below.

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This program is characterized by a rigorous studio environment with a degree of theoretical focus. My time at Pratt has been spent constantly exploring, questioning, “re-questioning”, redefining, and practicing [communication] design in its contemporaneousness. This became particularly evident last semester with my experiences with my Transformation Design Studio where I adopted a new set of ideologies toward making introduced to us by our professor Jean. Often in this post-post design climate we become so bombarded by what a designer should and shouldn't be/do. It was refreshing to have the space to ignore conventions and proclivities to make communication.

This program is transforming the way I see things around me. The exciting part is that beyond a new way of seeing the world, I am gaining the tools to change it.