The Kerning Point

Creating Brand You

By Josh Eriksen on February 13, 2012

Monday, February 13, at 6 PM in the Alumni Reading Room, panelists will discuss successful self-promotion campaigns, techniques and methods they use along with what they look for when selecting a professional to work and/or collaborate with.


Alicia Boone - Adult Programs Coordinator at Brooklyn Museum


Jun Aizaki - President, crème,
Michael Gerbino - Principal and the Creative Director of Archigrafika Inc,
Amy Guggenheim - Writer/Director/Producer, Founder and Director at Global
Cinema Exchange
Tucker Viemeister - The Lab, Rockwell Group and formerly founding partner,Smart Design

For more information contact and check out the show's site at, including a full list of participants.

Organized by Pratt Institute's Center for Career & Professional Development

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